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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Just in case I decide to run for the BOD

Misc:  Only 2 people registered to run for the 2 available Owner positions.  I was one of them and I am in the process of deciding if I want to hold the position which starts 1/29/11

Candidate Information Sheet for Bill Harris

I purchased condo #708 in June of 2007 with the intention of spending six months here in the winter and six months at my home near Atlanta.  This did not happen due to some medical problems which resulted in a trip to India for heart valve surgery and additional hospitalizations for a serious infection upon my return.  I have not been able to spend as much time here as I intended when I purchased the unit.

I have never been pleased with the running of this complex.  Until just recently it was under the control of the Developers Board of Directors and this Board and Concord Management has an extremely poor record of management of this condominium.  I have lived in 2 other Florida condos and this one suffers from indifference and a total lack of leadership.

Our first election for one Owner BOD member drew five candidates, the winner later resigned citing the lack of co-operation from the 2 Developer BOD members.  The next 2 elections drew no candidates, the 2nd place finisher in the first election continued to serve.  The Dec. 6, 2010 election had 2 candidates, neither made any effort that I am aware of to let the Owners know what they intended to do during their tenure in office.

Now we have the Annual General Meeting with election of the full BOD on Jan 29, 2011.  I have decided to run for one of the open positions at this election.  I have lived in condos before and I have both a BS in Administrative Services and an AS in Paralegal Studies.

I first came to Panama City Beach on an Easter Break from my 'Junior' College in Marianna, it has now grown to a full 4 year college.  When looking for a winter condo 40 years later, I recalled how I liked Panama City and the beach and I returned to PC and rented a condo at the Landmark for 8 months while I looked at various properties in Bay County, eventually paying $165,000 for my 3/2 here.

Shortly after buying here I started a 'message board', not satisfied with that I dropped it and opened a blog where I posted the relevant condo documents so that Owners could have 24/7 access to the various items and not have to rely on the bulky book of documents we got when we purchased. Over the last 3 years it has grown to 300 entries with additions of photos, comments and general information on both the condo and the area.  (see:

I will be in contact with you by mail to let you know what plans I have for my tenure should you elect me, this condo has an extremely poor track record of keeping Owners or tenants up to speed on what is going on and what is planned.  I assure you that this WILL change and I will work with the other elected Owner to put into practice some of the things that I have repeatedly mentioned on my blog site.  And just as a teaser for what I hope to accomplish, let me say that Concord Management, despite its 3 year sweetheart contract, is going to get tossed out of Nautilus Cove Condo.  Thank you for reading this information sheet.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A few photos from the Florida condo:

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